

Kiana Gilmore….

Has been speaking to our young people since 2012 and has made it her life’s mission to teach those, who will be the future of our society, the importance of positivity, raising their confidence and owning their self-worth. She travels the world spreading the message of empowerment and influencing young minds to see the power within themselves. Kiana has learned from her own experiences and developed her expertise over many years, allowing her to conclude that confidence is based on two foundations:  HABIT and CHOICE. She engages her audiences with these foundations and does so with such conviction and passion that every young person is compelled to explore how they can access the tools and techniques that Kiana shares, becoming the very best version of themselves.

It is one thing to change lives for an hour, but Kiana understands that true value comes in impacting lives both immediately, there in the room, as well as creating the opportunity for her audience to sustain their chosen mindset and behavior change as they progress into adulthood.

Kiana graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Media from Utah Valley University and is a certified life coach and wellness expert. She has been featured in several confidence podcasts and headlined the #iambeautiful campaign event. Beyond her academic and professional accolades, Kiana loves young people. She has a heart for building them up and working alongside them in accordance to her vocation - empowering others!

Confidence is profound. It affects how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, and how we show up each and every day. All over the world, our young people face similar emotional and mental challenges, and Kiana has made it her absolute mission to teach them how inner-confidence can make ALL the difference in their lives.


Kiana lives with her husband, Alek, in Wyoming, where they live on a ranch with their 4 beautiful children.


Global LifeVision

As a Director of Global LifeVision, her nonprofit organization she directs with several amazing and influential women, she oversees the training and implementation of women’s empowerment projects in the remote villages of Kenya and Uganda.

“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

— Lao Tze


“If you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

— African Proverb