Beyond the Student

I believe…

Our society suffers from something I like to call "Identity Foreclosure," in which WHAT WE DO takes precedence over WHO WE ARE. Though this is predominantly in professional careers and athletics, I believe it's also important to talk about how this can affect our students’ educational journeys.

Our young people are often susceptible to societal/cultural values, as well as limiting beliefs they may have developed about themselves.

It's time they learned about WHO they are BEYOND simply being a “student.”

Identity Foreclosure

When what you DO takes precedence over who you ARE.

You will hear me speak about this a lot…especially in my Athletic Coaching; however, I want you to be vulnerable for a second (by yourself, in your own head) and ponder upon a few thoughts…

Thought #1: At any point in your educational “career,” did someone ever tell you that you weren’t smart?
Thought #2: Did you believe them?
Thought #3: Why?